Dorrine Facey

Who are you?

Dorinne Facey

Summarise your role.

Collection and data input of the Trust’s outpatient clinic outcome forms to enable statistical analysis, and correct funding for all outpatient activity. I am also responsible for coding the outcome forms from our other hospitals, i.e. Crawley and Horsham. I have been in this role now for 10 years.

What do you find rewarding about your role?

To be totally honest, there really isn’t anything challenging about my role, only ensuring we meet our deadline dates by capturing all the encounters on time for funding and analysis.

What do you find challenging?

The thing I find most rewarding in my job is that my managers don’t micro-manage me, I am able to use my initiative, suggest improvements when needed and they show their confidence in me, by allowing me to 'just get on with the role.' They have always supported me whenever I express an interest in training opportunities, which has been invaluable for my development at Sash.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I am a self-confessed introvert, so although I am very sociable, I value and enjoy my alone time too. I enjoy singing, long walks and spending time with family and friends; and I value deep and meaningful discussions. 

I am an avid self-help enthusiast, anything to help me understand myself and the world around me. For that reason, I tend to be more interested in non-fiction material - give me a film based on a true story over a Marvel film any time!  

I enjoy watching YouTube as my go-to encyclopaedia, whenever I want to discover or learn about anything and everything – so far it’s never let me down. ?

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