On our website all of our board papers from the beginning of 2017 are available for viewing.

Should you wish to view any board papers dating back further than this please email sash.foi@nhs.net

2024 public board meeting dates

A schedule of public meeting dates can be found below. For further information and details of how to watch meetings online, please see our calendar.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, 5 September 2024, 9.30am - 12.00pm. Joining instructions will be updated in due course.

All Trust Board public meetings are currently held virtually via Microsoft Teams. As you join, we ask that you keep your microphones on mute (off) and keep your cameras off during the meeting.

Upcoming meetings

Date Time
5 September 2024 9.30am -12.00pm
7 November 2024 9.30am -12.00pm

Questions from the public

Questions from members of the public may be submitted in writing to the Chairman in advance of the Trust Board meeting held in public by emailing them to the chief of corporate affairs and governance, Colin Pink, colin.pink@nhs.net, or by writing to the Chairman at the address for Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. All questions must be submitted in writing no later than 12 noon on the Tuesday before the forthcoming Board meeting. Any questions submitted after this time will be carried over until the next Trust Board Meeting held in public.

Read our board papers

Click the thumbnails below to read our board papers.