What is outpatient hysteroscopy (OPH)?
An OPH is a procedure that involves examining the inside of your uterus (womb). This is done by passing a thin telescope-like device, called a hysteroscope, that is fitted with a small camera through the neck of your womb (cervix). The healthcare professional doing the procedure can then see whether there are any problems inside your uterus that may need further investigation or treatment.
A hysteroscope being used to examine the cervix:
- Outpatient hysteroscopy (OPH) is a procedure carried out in the outpatient clinic that involves examination of the inside of your uterus (womb) with a thin telescope.
- There are many reasons why you may be referred for OPH, such as to investigate and/or treat abnormal bleeding, to remove a polyp seen on a scan or to remove a coil with missing threads.
- The actual procedure usually takes 10–15 minutes. It can take longer if you are having any additional procedures.
- You may feel pain or discomfort during OPH. It is recommended that you take pain relief 1–2 hours before the appointment.
- If it is too painful, it is important to let your healthcare professional know as the procedure can be stopped at any time.
- You may choose to have the hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic. This will be done in an operating theatre, usually as a daycase procedure.
- Possible risks with hysteroscopy include pain, feeling faint or sick, bleeding, infection and rarely uterine perforation (damage to the wall of the uterus). The risk of uterine perforation is lower during OPH than during hysteroscopy under general anaesthesia.
Source: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2018
- Miss Cinzia Voltolina
- Lead consultant gynaecologist, hysteroscopy
- Mrs Melanie Coburn Jones
- Clinical nurse specialist, lead hysteroscopy nurse
- Miss Shalini Srivastava
- Consultant gynaecologist
- Miss Helen Nicks
- Consultant gynaecologist
- Miss Zahra Ameen
- Consultant gynaecologist
- Miss Naomi Page
- Consultant gynaecologist
Useful information
The clinics are held Monday to Friday at:
The Women’s Centre, 1st Floor Green Wing, Crawley Hospital, West Green Drive, Crawley, W.Sussex, RH11 7DH
Hysteroscopy reception: 01293 600300 x 4057
Patient helpline – local patients can call our hysteroscopy nurses on 01293 600300 x 4058.
This is an answerphone service, and the nurses will call back within office hours.
If advice is needed out of hours, patients are advised to call the Gynaecology Assessment Unit on Brockham Ward at East Surrey Hospital via switchboard – 01737 768511.
For more information on outpatient hysteroscopy, visit the Royal College website.