Meeting a... IT User Support Supervisor


Who are you: Nick Reid.

Summarise your role: I manage and oversee the operations of the Desktop Support Team. I work on logged IT issues with my team when required and help to provide out of hours support during on-call weeks.

I also have other responsibilities such as stock management, facilitating work between the digital teams, training new staff members and much more.

What do you find challenging about your role: Technology is constantly changing so we are always learning, things change very quickly so we all must be ready to adapt and work with new processes. A large portion of our work is not routine, so this must fit within the workload of the department. With an increasing demand on technology there is never a quiet or dull day.

What do you find rewarding: Completing any job which leaves a staff member happy and grateful leaves us all with a sense of satisfaction. It’s part of the reason that we love what we do.

Seeing any new and challenging issues through to resolution, then reporting back to the team with the newly created process is particularly rewarding.

What do you enjoy outside of work: I enjoy travelling, I was lucky enough to have a few trips last year to visit some new countries and revisit some favourites.

I love going to escape rooms with friends and family so we try to do one when we are all together. Food and F1 are very common topics of discussion in my department, you’ll always find a few of us combining the two on race days!