The Hospital Sterilisation and Decontamination Unit has recently achieved not one, but two remarkable milestones, solidifying their reputation as leaders in the field.

Firstly, under the guidance of Nigel Martin, the HDSU Service Manager, the team successfully completed the conversion of the Hospital Sterilisation and Decontamination Unit from the CE mark to the new British-standard UKCA mark. You can find out more about what this mark means here. This transition not only highlights the Trust’s commitment to compliance but also ensures the maintenance of the highest standards, allowing us continued provision of services to GPs and other Trusts.

Building on this success, the team faced an unannounced inspection by the British Standards Institute and passed with flying colours.

Dr Ed Cetti, Chief Medical Officer at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust said:

“Amidst evolving standards and rigorous inspections, our Sterilisation and Decontamination team has demonstrated their exceptional capabilities under Nigel's exemplary leadership.

"Their successful transition to the UKCA mark and flawless performance during the British Standards Institute inspection are proof of their dedication and expertise."

Nigel and the entire Hospital Sterilisation and Decontamination Unit are commended for their outstanding achievements. Their hard work, expertise and commitment to maintaining the highest standards have been duly recognised.

These milestones not only demonstrate the team's capability but also set a benchmark for quality and professionalism within the NHS.

Congratulations to the HSDU on this exceptional accomplishment!