Debbie Mayne.png

Who are you:

I'm Debbie Mayne, Freedom to Speak Up Guardian (FTSUG).

Summarise your role...

The role of the FTSUG is to support staff across the Trust, and to raise concerns about anything that’s getting in the way of delivering the best service to our patients. Speaking up is a way to make changes and improvements and so improve safety. Anyone who does work for the Trust can speak with me and that includes volunteers, temporary staff and learners. There are lots of ways to speak up and people can speak to me in confidence.

What do you find challenging about your role?

Sometimes people share concerns that are about a very specific situation. This means, although I can give feedback directly to them, I can’t always share the feedback across the organisation, to show what difference has been made, in case they or someone else is identified. This is a shame, as we can’t celebrate improvements as much as we’d like.

What do you find rewarding? 

When people come to see me, it can feel quite stressful for them. Once they’ve spoken up, they’re often grateful for the opportunity to speak and be heard. I never take for granted the privilege of hearing someone tell their story.

What do you enjoy outside of work? 

Yoga is my thing; I find it so positive for my emotional and physical wellbeing and practice as much as I can. I also love being out in nature, spending time with my grandsons and travelling.

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