
Who are you: Stephanie Holmes.

Summarise your role: My role is to help facilitate staff training and education through access to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and bursary funding. Eligible staff such as our Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional (AHP) colleagues, can access CPD funding to assist with gaining knowledge and skills for their career development.

My role manages the funding application process, guiding staff with training opportunities and also how to access the funding for training which suits their needs.

What do you find challenging about your role: CPD funding is only available to certain staff groups due to the eligibility criteria. This means we may not always be able to fund those who are not eligible for CPD funding. As a team, we work really hard to find alternative ways to support the development of all of our colleagues.

What do you find rewarding: I have always enjoyed teaching and supporting colleagues, watching them grow and develop in order to reach their career potential. Providing developmental support to my SASH colleagues through the means of funding is very rewarding. Knowing that I may have been involved in this process (even just a small amount) gives me a sense of fulfilment.

What do you enjoy outside of work: I am usually being chief taxi driver, ferrying my two young sons to various clubs and activities!  As a family we enjoy walking, camping and generally being outside. I love being surrounded by my friends and family and making the most of my down time - always trying to keep my work/life balance just right!