The Trust provides Haemato-Oncology services for the local population of Redhill, Reigate, Crawley, Horsham, Dorking, Caterham, East Grinstead and surrounding areas.

The team deals with the following cancer types:

  • Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
  • Myeloma (and MGUS, plasmacytoma)
  • Leukaemia (Acute Myeloid, CML and CLL)
  • Myelodysplasia and Myelofibrosis

The team

Alison Costain, Clinical Lead for Haematology

  • Dr Pawel Kaczmarek,  consultant haematologist

  • Dr Gleb Ivanov, consultant haematologist

  • Dr Barry Jackson, consultant haematologist
  • Emma O’Donovan, consultant haematologist

Macmillan clinical nurse specialists (CNS)

  • Ian Corro, Macmillan CNS

  • Solly Babu, Macmillan CNS

The MDT meets every week to discuss new referrals. The most complex surgical cases are discussed with either University College Hospital London or the Royal Marsden Hospital.

All chemotherapy is delivered within the Trust, either on the Chemotherapy Day Unit (East Surrey Hospital), Comet Ward (Crawley Hospital) or inpatient chemo on Godstone Ward (East Surrey Hospital).


All GP referral letters, except those referred though the Choose & Book System or Two Week Rule method, should be sent direct to:

Outpatient Booking Office
East Surrey Hospital
Canada Avenue
Redhill, Surrey RH1 5RH

Please do not send these direct to a consultant, medical secretary or any other department. You can of course make the actual outpatient referral letter out to a specific consultant. The Outpatient Booking Office is responsible for processing all referrals for outpatient appointments which then initiates the patient’s 18 week RTT status.

Outpatient referrals made under the Two Week Rule method should be faxed immediately to 01737 231 733.