Why do I need a pre-operative assessment?

It allow us to learn about your medical history, any medicines you are taking and previous experiences of anaesthetics. We can then identify any issues and deal with them before the day of surgery.

What happens at the assessment?

You will have an appointment with a specialist nurse who will discuss your medical history with you. They can then arrange blood tests, x-rays and other tests if needed or discuss your case with an anaesthetist who may need to see you. We will also give you information to help you prepare for your anaesthetic and the recovery period.

How long will it take?

Usually between 30 and 60 minutes for the assessment and any additional tests will need extra time.

Why is this done in advance?

Pre-assessment allows us to identify any problems and deal with them before you are admitted for your operation. Not doing this could lead to delays and possibly cancelling your operation.

Am I at risk?

Overall the risk from an anaesthetic is very low. Certain lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive drinking, being overweight and taking recreational drugs can increase risk. You will be given advice on how best to prepare for the anaesthetic.

What should I bring with me?

Any information you hold about your medical history, a list of medications you take, letters you have from other hospitals regarding problems that may have occurred during previous anaesthetics or surgery.