Location: East Surrey Hospital - Ground floor in the Purple Zone, opposite the main entrance

You may have been referred to the Fracture Clinic from East Surrey Emergency Department and the walk-in clinics at Crawley, Horsham and Caterham Dene Hospitals.

The Fracture Clinic holds appointments for patients who may have sustained acute fractures, musculoskeletal injuries and other orthopaedic conditions.

Your appointment will be held by an orthopaedic consultant or their specialist registrar. The Fracture Clinic is run by a team of experienced Orthopaedic Nurses and Health Care Assistants (HCAs) who will run the clinic and will help direct you throughout your appointment.

During your appointment, the specialist Orthopaedic Doctor will set out a plan of treatment. All treatment plans are overseen by the Consultant.

The Fracture Clinic is located on the ground floor of the purple zone in East Surrey Hospital, Opposite the main entrance of the hospital

When you arrive for your appointment please check-in at the fracture clinic reception and take a seat in the waiting area. The team will call you when it is time for you to be seen.

The Fracture Clinic is held at East Surrey Hospital 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 

  • Mornings (9am to 11am) 
  • Afternoons (1.45pm to 15.30pm)


  • Mornings only (9am to 11am) 

Please allow some time for your appointment in Fracture Clinic, this is because the doctor you will see may request for you to have some x-rays or alternate investigations or treatments, such as a cast change.

We cannot guarantee the clinic appointments will run perfectly on time. We would appreciate your understanding and patience if a clinic is running behind, a member of staff will inform you if there are any delays.

Welcome to the Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) website for the Surrey and Sussex Hospital (Redhill) and Crawley and Horsham Minor Injury Units, Caterham Dene and Queen Victoria (East Grinstead).

The VFC was designed as a patient-focused alternative to traditional fracture clinics. We launched in September 2018. More than 1,000 patients each month have been given quicker access to the advice they need to recover from fractures thanks to an improved virtual fracture clinic at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, reducing outpatient appointments by approximately 50%. Our patient satisfaction surveys show patients have a better understanding of their rehabilitation and that they value the ease of access to a specialist as well as avoiding unnecessary face-to-face appointments


Before the virtual fracture clinic existed, all patients who were treated in the Trust’s emergency department or local minor injuries units for a fracture would be called for a face-to-face appointment around ten days later. The new service ensures that patients are reviewed by the Consultant within 72 hours, meaning that patients are provided with the care plans and exercises they need to begin their recovery earlier without coming to the hospital. Those who do need to come to the hospital are given an appointment to see a specialist at the appropriate time for their injury. 

The Virtual Fracture Clinic started in 2018 to treat patients with fractures and trauma injuries. The virtual fracture clinic service treats approximately 1000 patients per month. We receive referrals from the Queen Victoria Hospital, Caterham Dene, Crawley and Horsham Hospital minor injury units and GP referrals.  The Virtual Fracture Clinic offers more accessibility for patients as well as reduced visits to the hospital saving petrol and parking fees. There is also a reduction in 50% of the out-patient appointments, saving the NHS a significant amount of money.  

The Virtual Fracture clinic triages referrals within 72 hours as per the British Orthopaedic Guidelines. Following referral to the Virtual Fracture Clinic, the Consultant reviews your referral and related x-ray (if taken). 

  • Most injuries settle with time and do not need a face-to-face fracture clinic appointment or surgery. 
  • If you require a follow appointment the timescale is clinically determined as per the diagnosis. You will be contacted with a follow-up appointment or plaster referral. 
  • The follow up appointments can either be face-to-face, telephone, or video. 

All referrals will receive a personalised care plan and video either by text or email. The Virtual Fracture Clinic has 132 individualised care plans so that our treatment is tailored to your needs. The care plan will discuss the management of the condition, the healing time, as well as an exercise plan. They also contain videos.

Personalised Patient Care Plan and video:

Below is an example of the care plan you will receive, via text message and email, from the virtual fracture clinic. 


For a more visual guide to managing your injury you can view the following video: 

The Virtual Fracture Clinic Pathway can be viewed by clicking here.


Patient stories:

‘’The new service was a huge improvement’’

  • I had contact much quicker and got really helpful fact sheets and a supporting video.
  • This meant I was doing my exercises sooner, and I felt more competent doing them as I could refer back to the information to make sure I was getting it right.
  • There was no hanging around in a waiting room, or needing someone to drive me to hospital.
  • I felt I could ask more questions with the virtual service, and I could contact them in between appointments too. It’s been a big improvement.”

The Benefits of the Service:

  • Improved waiting times.
  • Improved access to treatment/ theatre.
  • Making each appointment count. 
  • Improved quality of care.

Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) staff

Mr. Bhat - Consultant VFC Lead.

Tamsin Clake - VFC Advanced Practitioner.

Patricia McCarthy and Justin Vowles, - VFC administrative co-ordinators.

The Plaster Team. 


Virtual Fracture Clinic contact details:

If you wish to contact the virtual fracture clinic team please call 01737 926303 between 10am - 1pm or email sash.fractureclinic@nhs.net.


Patient Information:

While you are waiting for your phone call from the VFC team please explore the 'Patients' section of this website. It provides advice for the early care of your injury and guidance on fitting any supports provided by A&E. If you haven't heard from our team after 3 working days then please contact us.

  • Fitting a humeral brace
  • Fitting a walker boot
  • Wearing a sling
  • Walking with elbow crutches
  • Hospital map


Care plans:

Shoulder - Coming soon

Forearm - Coming soon

Wrist and Hand - Coming soon

Lower limb - Coming soon

Foot and Ankle - Coming soon


Feedback: We welcome feedback please email your suggestions to: sash.fractureclinic@nhs.net

Our Plaster Room service provides treatment across a broad spectrum of patients. Working predominantly with the Orthopaedic and Emergency Department, it provides specialist treatment for chronic pain conditions, as well as stabilisation and management of acute trauma injuries. Support and stabilisation of injuries is achieved using a variety of casting materials and orthotic devices.

Patients are internally referred to the service by a hospital consultant.

Tips for looking after a plaster cast:

  • Exercise any joints that aren't covered by the cast – such as your elbow, knee, fingers or toes – to help improve your circulation
  • Avoid getting small objects, powders and sprays inside your cast, as they could irritate your skin
  • Don't try to alter the length or position of your cast
  • Don't lift anything heavy or drive until the cast has been removed
  • Use crutches or a sling, as advised by your health professional
  • Casts and orthotic devices should be kept dry unless advised otherwise by the plaster team.

If you still have any concerns about your plaster cast please contact us directly on the contact details below. 

Telephone – 01737 768511 Ext 2833 

Email:  sash.plaster.room@nhs.net

Find us

East Surrey Hospital

Fracture Clinic

Purple Zone

Ground Floor – Opposite the hospital's main entrance.

By appointment only no walk-ins. To arrange a plaster room appointment for a plaster problem please call us first.