Dr Tony Newman-Sanders MA FRCR FRCP
Chief of cancer and diagnostic services, consultant radiologist and chief clinical information officer
Dr Newman-Sanders has been a consultant radiologist for over 20 years with special interests in musculoskeletal imaging and clinical informatics.
He has held a variety of leadership roles including clinical director for emergency care and subsequently medical director at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust.
He was clinical lead for the National PACS Programme from 2006-2016 and from 2014-2017, medical director at the Health Innovation Network, the Academic Health Science Network for South London where he continues to be Emeritus Medical Advisor.
Since April 2016 he has been clinical director for diagnostic imaging and chief clinical information officer and since April 2019, chief of cancer and diagnostic services at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
From 2016-2019 he was national clinical director for diagnostics at NHS England and is now regional clinical advisor for diagnostics at NHS South East region and for the Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance.